Prof. Dr. Ghulamullah Maitlo
021-99231195-8, Ext: 309
Dean's Message
Engineering profession has matured over the decades and today it means applying the knowledge of science, mathematics, and engineering fundamentals
to transform nature alongside an effective use of IT for enhancing technological facilities in a cost effective manner. Due to rapid advancement in
technological development, the applications that were only a fragment of our imagination some decades back, now pervade our daily lives. Since the
industrial revolution that started in the 18th century, we have perhaps achieved striking accomplishments, but sadly as a by-product nature has been
rendered almost uninhabitable, and we have not yet fully succeeded in bridging the gaps between human beings. Global warming, another thorn in the side,
has not yet gained the priority it deserves on our agenda. I daresay, we seem to be fast approaching the point of exterminating ourselves.
This state of affairs has made engineers obligated to pursue and contribute to their fullest capabilities, to the global goal of stopping
the destruction of environment and enhancing mutual friendship and camaraderie among human beings when applying scientific knowledge to life.
Moreover, innovation and creativity emerge as fundamental requirements of this new mode of engineering.
At DUET, world-class faculty mentors the next generation of engineering and science leaders. As an emerging university, our strong research
portfolio and successful adoption of the outcome based education paradigm sets us apart from the traditional mode of education prevalent elsewhere.
Our students bring forward ideas with confidence in the classrooms and beyond. The engineering students, faculty, staff, and alumni are driven by innovation.
They make technological contributions that shape society and build the foundation for a better future. In our education as well as research work,
we greatly value our leading position in industrial collaboration. DUET students gain hands-on industrial work experience in at least one
firm during their undergraduate studies. As a community, we are collaborative by nature, innovative in spirit, and focused on making a difference.
Together, we have built an environment for learning and discovery unlike any other.
I would like to add that university education does not only consist of classes, laboratories, and exams but also the need to
learn and have a healthy balance of all the aforementioned along with sharing the joys of cultural diversity and artistic experiences,
and learning life-long skills through taking part in extra-curricular activities. We encourage and inculcate the respect for all kinds of differences
and being conscious of one’s individual and social responsibilities. Our beautiful campus life reflects this understanding. Along the same understanding,
students are always welcome to the offices of academic and administrative staff for academic and professional support.
Welcome to DUET. Best wishes for all of you.
Prof. Dr. Ghulamillah Maitlo,
Dean, Faculty of IMEE