Directorate of Information and Communication Technology
The Directorate of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at DUET has advanced infrastructure with robust Information and Communication System. The directorate provide high performance computing facilities to faculty, students and staff within Jinnah and Iqbal campus. The state-of-the-art facility is equipped with network of high speed fibre optics. The key areas of the ICT department offer following facilities and resources. at DUET.

Dr. Izhar Hussain Zaidi
Director ICT
Dawood University of Engineering and Technology
The Information & Technology
Department offers a broad spectrum of diversified services provided by its
various sections. The department comprises of two main Sections i.e.
1. Network & Hardware
NOC operations
IT infrastructure feasibility & planning.
deployment & configurations (Firewalls, Routers, Internet Access, Email
gateways etc.)
Network Analysis, Design and Deployment
(Wireless, wired and Optical Fiber).
Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN) connect DUET through high-speed
internet bandwidth. DUET has Pern Facility with capacity of 300Mbps which
provide high speed internet connectivity. The network provides inter-campus
connectivity of Jinnah and Iqbal campus through optical fiber links and with
other educational organization.
facility provide access to high quality international and national research
journals, E-books and reports.
Data Storage center:
data center with 1 server rack along with 2 network racks with capacity to host
multiple servers at 4.8Gbps
Huawei-Wi-Fi Network
Huawei-Wi-Fi connectivity within DUET campus
provide accessibility to LAN and WAN services on personal Computer and Wi-Fi
mobile phones.
2. Development Tool & Services
- SQL- database- MS SQL, Management Studio 18
- .NET- ASP.NET, Web Application, Visual studio 2017
- Azure Cloud- Admission PHP, Framework quaternate development
- Website – hosting services, WordPress
- portal software-
- QUE Management system for
Admission interview PHP Based
Web Portals:
DUET has official web-portal registered with
PKNIC as This portal
covers regular updates of the events such as workshops, conferences,
Alumni affairs, Research projects and job openings.
Students' Microsoft IDs have been
created by an administrator and students log in to the DUET Portal. Students
can generate a semester fee challan and examination fee challan, check their
attendance, and submit their examination forms.
Online Admission System
Students need to fill their admission
forms online and generate the admission fee challan, after submitting the fee
challan they will generate admit card to appear in the entry test. The
admission department also reviews the list of applied students. After the entry
test admission department generates the merit list to call for an interview and
then final merit list generates.
Attendance Management System
We have developed attendance
management where subjects will be assigned to teachers according to timetable
and teachers will be able to mark attendance of their subjects. Students can
check their attendance on their portal. Chairman has the rights to generate
attendance reports according to their requirements.
Helpdesk System
We have developed Helpdesk system for
Students, Faculty, and Staff can lodge complaints about all I.T related issues
on the helpdesk system where I.T will generate tickets and assign job to the
concern person to resolve the issue on priority basis.
Audio/Video Live
DUET has Audio/Video conferencing facility
available at vice-conference room. This resource connects DUET to local and
international Audio/Video Facilities of virtual universities, classes,
conferences, seminars and online meetings.
Duet Email Service:
The Email Server of DUET IS deployed in the NOC
and Provide more 8787 active no of accounts on our portal of Microsoft Office
365. These accounts offer secure E-mail services to faculty, students, and