Directorate of Sports
The primary function of any university is, off course, academic, but university recognizes the importance & value for development of physical skills and fostering of recreational needs of students and staff in promoting good health, wellbeing and good fellow/sportsmanship. It also recognizes that considerable publicity of student’s achievements values in the area of sports. It also provides young people with the opportunity to get fit and to always adopt healthy lifestyle. The Directorate of Sports arranges well organized sports and recreation programs/activities for the students and faculty/staff members on regular basis. Our sports activities are meant to provide quality fitness and conclusive environment that inspires participants to engage in competitive events on various levels, institutional and national. The main purpose of sports activities is to provide plenty of opportunities to students to keep them healthy with desirable character and remarkable personality traits. The sports activities are geared to provide wide participation in extracurricular activities (among student’s and faculties of the university) and inter-varsity sports activities in national sporting events. Teams for Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Badminton, and athletics are actively participating in the supporting events in the country.